I've got a Ticket to ride...
Haaaa!!! I love those company presentations in which you come to know better potential employers, their activities, the food they serve and the gift they offer sometimes. Today it was really my day of luck. I went to the presentation of an airflight carrier company, mainly by chance.
Indeed, I was at the library right after a long interview by phone (I enjoy interview by phone... you can talk about your 10-year-career plans the most seriously possible sit in your bed only wearing a brief).. Ho! There is a company presentation starting right now... I went to the room of the event. Only 10 or 15 students were attending the presentation. It happens that this company is under the Chapter 11, which means that its economic situation is at least hazardous... so, MBAs bravely prefer to avoid that kind of company which is maybe a huge mistake. It's generally by facing adversity under a maximum pressure that you learn the most... well, my personal two cents... So, I arrived... classic presentation and... the gift: 2 air tickets for an anywhere destination in the United States. As I was completely informally dressed, I thought: "Oh, please, it cannot be me"... and the guy announced: "ALAIMA Jansen"... ??? Everybody looks around... Then, trying again: "ALMAIDA Go#@>/??"... "ALMEIDA Georges", I corrected... "Yes!! Congratulations...". clap!clap!clap! General ovation... "Ok Georges! Where do you plan to go?..."... I was so surprised and shy that I only replied "well... somewhere"...
For those who are dummy in Geographies, somewhereland is somewhere between nowhere and its downtown... More seriously, I need to think about a nice destination. Feel free to suggest an attractive place to me (those who will propose Alaska will be blocked of this blog and prosecuted according to the laws of the United States of America).
VC tem mesmo sangue latino nas veias apesar de ser 100% europeu!! Vc ganha uma passagem pra ir pra qqer lugar dos EUA e acaba decidinho ir a MIAMI!!! Lugar cheio de latinos!!! Vc esta com saudades é??
Bem, vc decide!!
Pena q a passagem nao é intercontinental, ai vc escolheria ASIA!!!!
Gde beijo
Vale ir pra Porto Rico? Vai pra lá e toma um vôo para a Jamaica ou St. Martin...sol, sol, sol.
Memphis, Tennessee.
For a "brega" boy, this is the only place to go. Miami and Las vegas , you can pay for it.
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