One man show and you get the job
I attended today the most amazing company presentation of all my MBA experience!!! It took place in the Mendelssohn Theatre, the theather of Michigan League, with 640 seats (the Michigan League is one of the student union building of the University)... There was not a crowded attendance (we were maybe 50...)but the absents were badly wrong.... The company in question is a worldwide leader in pharmaceuticals, medical devices and customer care products (one band-aid for the one who guess which company I am speaking about..). They imposed us a video presentation about their worldwide presence and leadership... well... classic and boring... Just interesting to confirm that a French person speaking English is distinguishable even in a worldwide company video propagande... (I sink biiiiiiiiiiiiiiip iz ze compani where your drimz come true)Then, a new key-note speaker was introduced and we were then learnt that this guy, after a career in the Marine Corp, became Vice-President of Diversity of this company. Tall,slim... looks like a former strict military guy... what the hell is he doing in that Diversity job????It was at that moment that the guy started a one-man show... litteraly. Between 2 jokes, he presented the company so nicely that the common cliches become relevant... the usual slogans we tired to hear about in those presentations took a real sense... I believe that actually that guy is a pro entertainer, who acts as VP of the Company... anyways, whoever he is he made a good job... I dropped my Resume... and many did so...
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